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Policy shift on Israel’s capital legally and historically warranted

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Ben Saul

The Albanese government’s welcome decision not to recognise West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital brings Australia back into line with international law and virtually all the global community.

The government sensibly recognises that competing claims to Jerusalem should be peacefully settled by negotiation, in accordance with international law, not by unilateral claims imposed by force and rubber-stamped by allies.

Israelis, Jews, Christians, Palestinians, Muslims and Arabs all have important historical, spiritual and cultural attachments to the cosmopolitan city of Jerusalem. As the British mandate in Palestine ended in the late 1940s, the United Nations endorsed a “partition plan” to create two separate Arab and Jewish countries. Jerusalem was to have a separate international status, administered by the UN, given its importance to different peoples.

The plan was supported by many Zionists, but opposed by most Arabs, since it unfairly allocated a disproportionate share of land to Jews relative to their share of the population.

Zionists relied on the plan for legitimacy when declaring Israel to be an independent state in 1948, a unilateral move not envisaged by the UN. But Israel refused to accept the plan for Jerusalem. The “plan” has underpinned the idea of a two-state solution ever since.

About three quarters of the world, plus the UN and the International Criminal Court, now recognise Palestine as a state, although Australia remains in the minority that does not.

After Arab states invaded in 1948, Israel gained control of West Jerusalem while Jordan occupied East Jerusalem.

Jordan’s illegal annexation in 1950 of East Jerusalem, and the rest of the Palestinian West Bank, was generally not recognised by the international community. Jordan renounced its claim in 1988, in favour of the Palestinian right of self-determination to pursue its own political future as an independent state.

After the Six Day War in 1967, Israel occupied East Jerusalem, and later illegally annexed it as purportedly part of sovereign Israeli territory. This has been repeatedly condemned by the international community for over 55 years, including by the International Court of Justice, UN Security Council, and UN General Assembly.

In 1980, Israel declared the whole of Jerusalem as its capital. The UN Security Council, including the US, repeatedly condemned the move as a violation of international law and an obstruction to peace, and called on all countries not to maintain embassies in Jerusalem. In the 1990s, Israel agreed in the Oslo Accords that the final status of Jerusalem would be negotiated, but has reneged on that commitment.

In 2018, the Morrison government sided with US President Trump in attempting to subvert the international legal consensus, including the UN Security Council. Morrison did not go as far as Trump, since he only recognised West Jerusalem as the capital, not all of Jerusalem like the US.

This was because East Jerusalem is occupied territory under international law, and is presumptively reserved for a Palestinian state. All countries are under an international legal duty not to recognise Israel’s illegal annexation by force of East Jerusalem, just as Australia must not recognise Russia’s annexation of Crimea or other parts of Ukraine.

Recognising only West Jerusalem as the capital was still contrary to the international legal consensus that the status of Jerusalem cannot be unilaterally decided and must be peacefully negotiated. The Morrison government’s position was also nonsensical, since Israel does not claim “West” Jerusalem as its capital, but all of Jerusalem. It’s like bizarrely recognising half of London as the capital of Britain. It was also provocative and destabilising, since it demonstrated partisan bias in favour of Israel and against the equal rights of Palestinians.

It is in Australia’s national interest to uphold a rules-based international order, by insisting on respect for international law by our friends, and by not endorsing their illegal claims. Likewise, it is regrettable that the Opposition, and some Australian supporters of Israel, continue to support illegal Israeli claims over Australia’s national interest in international law, the equal rights of Palestinians, and a negotiated peace.

Ben Saul

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Article source: Sydney Morning Herald
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