Free Palestine Melbourne - Freedom and Justice for Palestine and its People.


Don’t be a bystander

Thank you, Gemma Tognini, for saying it like it is in your excellent piece asking where is corporate Australia (and the rest of the country) in publicly standing up against anti-Semitism (“Time for corporate Australia to stand up to anti-Semitism”, 8-9/6).

I am a volunteer guide at the Sydney Jewish Museum, where we say to visitors, “Don’t be a bystander”.

In the late 1930s, it was the bystanders who, perhaps unwittingly, encouraged the murderous actions in the years that followed. They were frightening times. Perhaps the bystanders were afraid to speak up. So corporate Australia, where do you stand on anti-Semitism? Do you abhor it? Or do you agree with it?

Ruth Franklin, St Ives, NSW

A great piece by Gemma Tognini, who has lanced the rancid boil that is anti-Semitism and summed up the mindset of both corporate Australia and our soft, morally lost and hand-wringing government on this matter.

These same leaders have spoken from on high about the virtues of equality, respect and inclusion.

They have also publicly stood against discrimination, racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, the rise of the far right, poverty and the like, all the while supported by adoring followers on social media.

But now it seems it’s not politically correct in either corporate Australia or the government to support Israel in its ongoing fight against terrorists, who seek nothing less than its obliteration.

Tom Moylan, Dudley Park, WA

Article link:
Article source: The Australian | Letters | 11 June 2024


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